Imagine purchasing a candle for yourself or a friend and you aren't pleased with the purchase 😓 Online purchase of candles can be difficult if you don't know how to find the right one.
So here it is, my top 4 most helpful ways to find you the right pick ✴️
1. Learn about candle benefits. Talk to yourself about why you would want to use scented candles. For eg: to calm down stress, to help meditate, to have a pleasant home environment.
2. The next thing is to choose you place. Where would you like the aroma hit to be more, whether your living room, bedroom, kitchen or your balcony.
3. Which kind of scents would you prefer, like, Woddy, Fresh, Floral or Sweet. You can check with us the fragrance available for moods.
4. You can always speak to me in helping you decide which fragrance to select or how to start including scented candles as a part of your living. All you have to do is just DM me.
4 Helpful ways to find the right candle